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Shelving Safety Inspection


Shelving Safety Inspection. The legislation and guidance covering the need for carrying out rack inspections is contained in section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 which requires the employer to maintain a safe place of work with safe equipment provided for employees to work with.Audits and inspections are one way to ensure compliance with this provision.The Management of Health and Safety Work Regulations 1992 introduced the requirement for risk assessment for all work activities, one of the risks to warehouse operators is collapse of loads or racking, hence inspections are a preventative measure to control that risk.Guidance from the HSE is given in Health and Safety in Retail and Wholesale Warehouses HS (G) 76 which details rack inspections under the maintenance of storage equipment, it also refers to the Storage Equipment Manufactures’ Association (SEMA) guide to the use of pallet racking which gives the damage limits after which the components should be changed.